First Holy Communion
First Communion preparation classes are offered to children in Year Three and above (seven to eight years old) who are resident within the Chiswick, Grove Park and Gunnersbury parish boundaries and who regularly attend Sunday Mass in one of those churches.
Exceptionally, and with the agreement of the respective parish priest, children who are resident in other neighbouring parishes but who for some particular reason wish to undertake their First Holy Communion preparation in Chiswick, may do so provided their Parish Priest agrees and also, that for the duration of the course the child and family attend Mass at Our Lady of Grace and St Edward’s. Please speak with one of the priests to see if it is possible to join our parish programme this year as spaces are limited.
The period to register your child for 2025 First Holy Communions is now CLOSED. You will able to apply again in September 2025 for the course which will finish in May 2026.