Parents of children to be baptised are asked to profess their faith and to accept the responsibility of raising their child in the practice of the faith, the Christian way of life. This presumes an active faith life on the part of the parents and regular participation in Sunday Mass. Parents new to the parish, or newly returning to the practice of the faith, are, of course, most welcome. However, at least three months of regular attendance at Sunday Mass in the parish will have to have been completed as evidence of future commitment to the practice of the faith before their child can be baptised.
The baptisms themselves usually occur on one Saturday every month at 12.15 p.m, allowing for up to four baptisms each time. All baptism dates can be seen on the calendar.
Also on the same calendar are the dates of the Baptism Preparation Course. This course is principally required for those parents for whom this is their first application for the baptism of their child. The course, for a first baptism, is a requirement under the Church’s Canon Law in every Catholic parish.
Our parish course is run almost every month on two consecutive Tuesday evenings at 7.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m. Both halves of the course are essential and should be attended by both parents unless there are especially difficult extenuating circumstances. If possible, infants and babies should not be brought to the two teaching sessions. The sessions are held in the St Edward’s Room which, looking at the main doors of the church from the pavement, is to the right, through the wrought iron gate and straight ahead to the open green door. This corridor opens into the St Edward’s Room.
A second download from this page is the application form for baptism. These forms are also available at the back of Church on the wall rack by the side door. Completed forms should be returned in hard or soft forms to the Parish Office which is in The Priests’ House, 247 High Road, next door to the church.