Young Adults
Our priests and catechists work closely together to ensure our younger parishioners feel valued - and that their parents are supported in bringing up their children in the Catholic faith.
Our young people are encouraged to take an active part in the life of the parish – for example, as servers, singers or instrumentalists. For many, this is an experience that will remain with them through their lives.
Young Adults group
The Young Adults Group is a group of parishioners aged 18-35. It is formed with the belief that this age is a time for great questions and important decisions about life. It is a time to grow in the knowledge of faith and increase the ability to make moral decisions and give Christian witness. But it is also a time of great challenges when people can be misled by the society of consumerism, materialism, atheism and prestige which could drive them away from what they are called to be.
The vision for the Young Adults is that the people aged 18-35 journey together as a small community that becomes active and visible in the parish.
One aim of the group is for them to support each other in making a free and conscientious choice for the Gospel and for what they choose for themselves and for the society. Therefore, they organise activities that help them to grow in their spiritual life and in their experience of the Gospel.
The other aim of the group is that people of this age feel comfortable and at home as members of the Church and become confident in their Christian belief being an inspiration for other young people.
These two aims will be achieved by the following activities: monthly talks on spiritual development & Catholicism and weekly pub socials after the 6:30pm Mass on Sundays.
For more information, come along one Sunday or contact Sean at or Fr Daniel at

RCIA is for people who want to know more about the Catholic faith. This course is open to Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
In this Parish, we have meetings each Monday from the beginning of September. For further information please speak to one of the priests or contact the Parish Office.